Opening hours


22 459 333 / 

Monday 8:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 8:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 8:00 - 18:00
Thursday 8:00 - 18:00
Friday 8:00 - 13:00


Payment facility for French courses


In order to make the payment of the French classes easier and in order to limit contacts, the French Institute strongly encourages users to pay the amounts due using JCC:

Your personal virtual assistant

The team of the Service d'Accueil International des Etudiants et Chercheurs (SAIEC) of Montpellier would like to introduce you your personal virtual assistant. It will help you in all the procedures to be followed before and after your arrival in France, in just a few clicks! Find out the "E-international Welcome Solution - SAIEC" application.