Opening hours


22 459 333 / 

Monday 8:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 8:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 8:00 - 18:00
Thursday 8:00 - 18:00
Friday 8:00 - 13:00


Payment facility for French courses


In order to make the payment of the French classes easier and in order to limit contacts, the French Institute strongly encourages users to pay the amounts due using JCC:

Mission of the French Institute of Cyprus

Like many institutions in the world, the French Institute of Cyprus covers all missions defined by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

  • To promote and disseminate French culture and language. The institute acts for a living Francophonie in connection with the Cypriot authorities.
  • To favour cultural exchanges (plastic and performing arts), co-produce shows in Cyprus in link with French artistic creation, to create partnerships with local institutions and associations.
  • To enhance student mobility and to promote higher education in France or in French in Cyprus.
  • To strengthen scientific cooperation.
  • Thus, the programme of the French Institute of Cyprus covers all fields of cultural, artistic and literary, educational and linguistic, academic and scientific cooperation through multiple actions: exhibitions, conferences, debates, cinema, concerts, dance performances and drama, French classes, teacher training, etc.

We invite you to visit frequently our website which will, hopefully, illustrate the dynamism of Franco-Cypriot cooperation.